Hello everyone, I introduce myself, my name is Gabo, within the CSO MOD server my nickname is "DeyMixX", and my presence in this publication is to be able to express a suggestion that I have on my part.
Sorry if for some reason some things are not understood, I don't have much experience speaking English, I will rely on Google Translate and give everything I can.
As we already know, according to the information given in “Tournament System”, tournaments are held in order to support the player's progress to also improve their experience within the server.
That said, the “VIP Tournament” is one of the main tournaments and the one that players crave and fight for the most, where they have the opportunity to be VIP if you are the one who killed many zombies or infected many humans.
I have been playing on the server for approximately 1 month, my experience has been very good and even more so knowing that I have the opportunity to be VIP for a day if I manage to win the aforementioned tournament.
This experience loses its value when new and not so new players like me cannot win the tournaments because there are players with very high levels and they constantly win the tournaments. And how does this affect my chances of winning if I can also win by infecting humans? That many of those who win are the same players (mostly with many levels of difference and a lot of experience within the game), that is not bad since they are the achievements of their progress, however, they already had the opportunity to participate and win the tournament...
I propose that there must be a time when the player who has won the tournament will not be able to play it again or rather, win the tournament prize for a period of time, thus giving other players the opportunity to win as well.
What do I mean?
- If for example "DeYMixX" won the VIP tournament on Monday, he will no longer be able to win the tournament on Wednesday or Friday.
- This could have certain consequences, such as the displeasure of some players who would have to wait almost a week to be able to participate in the tournament again.
- That's why here is my second proposal:
* That the prize is no longer VIP for one day, but will now be for two days.
That all sounds a little crazy, but the goal is not for it to happen exactly as I say, but for you to interpret the idea and be able to accommodate it as you see fit for the server.
I think that's all! I have nothing more to share, sincerely from my opinion, it seems like a good idea in search of the benefit of more players on the server, I await all your responses, thank you for your attention!