- Your name: Hutienxi
- Name of player : BarYP1$RTS (NOT THE ACTUAL OWNER)
- Date and time: 15:36 GMT +7
- Reason of complaint: This person has been loggin into this account and stole this username, the previous owner did not have the password set but then 4hours ago he entered and used this username. Player tried logging in with wrong name it was just Bary1rts or something 15minutes ago before this report
- Proof (screenshot or demo): This chatlog might not be enough but i will try to provide as many information needed because the guy is not good at english
- by the time the player is out and the username is active (below)
- Currently active in the server as
- Player even had the name wrong once when entering the server
- by the time this username is online the owner is out for barber 30minutes ago
- playstyle is 100% different and its unlike the actual owner, the owner is good at airstrafing
Side note : I wish for the operator to be able to check the sql database and compare the steam id that has been logged in during darling's report on this thread or the 1weeks activity prior and compare the steamid to the current one that has logged in - Player Report
Real owner now logs in as Quenta after he is unable to login
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