- Your name: .::Jock3R.::
- Name of VIP: Me4ta
- Date and time: 2024/04/14 - 15:10:41
- Reason of complaint: Retrying after announcing the first zm to target and infect/kill players with good guns.
The proofs should show everything. This guy has been doing this for a long time but I always tell myself "he might have some internet problems or his game is crashing" but he is literally doing this every round and every map for a long time.
I know he is a smart guy and he will come with one of these arguments so I will give my opinion:
- 1st arg: "my ping is high so I retry to fix it": as you can see in the proofs his ping is 34 which is very very good. and if you have a bad ping how can you target everyone and kill them all.
- 2st arg: "my internet is bad and it keeps disconnecting": he literally retried in 5-10 secs (only the last proof, he retried after 30 secs) and It's impossible that your internet disconnects and connects again so fast and you join in 5-10 secs.
- 3st arg: "Game crashing": as I said he retrys in 5-10 secs. if your game crashes, its impossible to retry so fast like that. - Proof (screenshot or demo): (as you can see I took every screenshot on a different spot just in case you think I'm uploading the same picture)
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