Reporting SHINEEE

  • Player Name: "SHINEEE"

    STEAM ID: STEAM_1:0:497703326

    Reason to Report: AimBot

    Hello at first i thought I was tripping but this guy is using aimbot, first round you can see when I was first zm and invisible he ate my HP and somehow knew where I was exactly, when I asked him he said " skills" but you can see in my first both spawns he knew exactly where I was and keep headshotting me regardless of distance.

    If you skip to last round of demo you will see multiple players also accusing him too. Its not the first time I see him using Hack btw

    • Official Post

    This post has been edited.

    So after reviewing the demo it is possible to determine that "shine" is suspected of be a hacker. Right at the beginning we see that even when you were invisible, he hit practically every shot at your head, and this happened again when you were up there trying to infect him. Paying attention to the HUB, we can see that most of the kills he made were hs, and its quite strange considering how far away he is. Even if the recoil is different, and he is using VSK, which has a scope, it is still very suspicious. However, the admin who banned him did not provide a demo in which it is possible to see only his gameplay so that we can be direct and consistent with the decision.

    Still, he was banned but he didn't come to claim the unban. As the evidence is not good, he should be unbanned, but re3star?s will decide what will be done.

    Edit: player unbanned.

  • re3star?s May 2, 2024 at 10:02 PM

    Closed the thread.

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