Informational vote about the server. Please Vote! vol2

  • Dear Players,

    we need YOUR help to can improve & balance the gameplay ! As you know, we added two new powerful weapons. We want to know YOUR opinion ABOUT current:

    1. Zombie's statistics (Health, DMG, Gravity and etc)

    2. Current Weapons (Levels, DMG, Limits)

    Mine questions are :


    1. What do you think about current Weapon's limits ?

    2. What do you think about 2nd gungnir effect (the line) ? DMG ?

    3. What do you think about Hearth Rod limit ?

    4. What do you think about Hearth Rod DMG ?

    5. What do you think about Death Eater ?

    6. What do you think about current Death Eater DMG ?

    7. What do you think about current levels about the weapons ?

    8. What do you think about Hecate Umbrella ? ( The new sniper )

    9. What do you think about Extra-item limits?

    10. What do you think about Knifes ?

    11. What we can improve about LEVELS, DMG, LIMITS ?


    1. What do you think about current zombies ?

    2. What can we improve on zombies ?

    3. What do you think about TESLA ?

    4. What do you think about Extra-item limits?

    Thank you all for your time ! This vote is important for us !

  • 2WEi. August 1, 2023 at 4:27 PM

    Added the label Important
  • Weapons:

    1. What do you think about current Weapon's limits ?: i think the gungnir should be 2 as limit if it doesn't crash the server

    2. What do you think about 2nd gungnir effect (the line) ? DMG ? balanced

    3. What do you think about Hearth Rod limit ? : good

    4. What do you think about Hearth Rod DMG ? : the specal attack (right click) op

    5. What do you think about Death Eater ? : good

    6. What do you think about current Death Eater DMG ? : weak for lvl 200

    7. What do you think about current levels about the weapons ? : good

    8. What do you think about Hecate Umbrella ? ( The new sniper ) : dmg is pretty weak the savery sniper does more dmg

    9. What do you think about Extra-item limits? : good

    10. What do you think about Knifes ? : too boring (looking) and everyone using the same knife

    11. What we can improve about LEVELS, DMG, LIMITS ? : dmg for new sniper and death eater / for me i think the limit for gungnir should be 2


    1. What do you think about current zombies ? : good balanced but not tesla

    2. What can we improve on zombies ? : speed

    3. What do you think about TESLA ? : the defense on it is op

    4. What do you think about Extra-item limits? : lower the madness limit

  • Weapons:

    1. I'd say pretty good, although rod needs to be limited and Cerberus can be changed limit from 2 to 3 since a lot of people use it and it doesn't have heavy sprites.

    2. Dmg too high, needs nerf. (by about 15-20%, would still be good, just more balanced)

    3. Needs limit of 1 or 2.

    4. Needs to be nerfed by 30% no less since after adding a weapon with higher level than rod, just then u realize how op it is.

    5. In my opinion, it needs 30 bullets per mag, otherwise it's in a pretty good state so far.

    6. Maybe 5-10% dmg buff but that's about it.

    7. To be honest, I think the only problem "level" weapons are Gungnir and heart rod. I'd move heart rod to level 170 and Gungnir to 150.

    8. Healthy, balanced sniper rifle with good damage, nothing to say about it, maybe a bit higher dmg due to Sprifle still outperforming it in dps. heavily.

    9. As I said, Heart rod needs to be for 1 or 2 people, nothing else in my opinion.

    10. I think we need some change of pace in melee category, for example Hammer needs to have the same gravity as Katanas since a lot of people only use katana because of the gravity and not because of how the weapon looks or if they even like the weapon at all. (Including me)

    11. I think all the weapons damage should be reconsidered and they should receive small to big nerfs/buffs depending on their current state.

    (EDIT: I forgot to mention that it would be nice to have some kind of admin only melee weapon since we don't have any although it's not possible right now, just mentioning it.)


    1.Pretty good state in my opinion.

    2. Fast Zombie's model needs to be replaced due to hitbox issues, I've seen some pretty good models as a replacement. (Very similar to current one but the hitbox is a lot better)

    3. Recharge time can be lowered by 2-3 seconds and the shots themselves can be buffed as well (damagewise), also please nerf resists on tesla, too op.

    4. No complains, maybe just lower the amount of Zombie Madness that you can buy per round.

  • in my opinion i think the players will never be satisfied about any gun u put in lvl 200 cuz heart and gung are too op so what i suggest is the following :

    1. gung and heart stay at their lvl but they should be nerved


    2. lvl of gung and heart get increased and their dmg etc... stays the same ( like gung lvl 150 and heart 175 just an example )

  • 1. What do you think about current Weapon's limits ?They are good i don't think it needs any changes except rod it needs to be at least 2,3 ppl to use it if only one can then make gungir two but nerf(it's just like Zeker said by 15-20% and if only one rod on the map there will be binders so ye).

    What do you think about 2nd gungnir effect (the line) ? DMG ?The second gungir is okay only if it gets a nerf like i said in the previous question.The damage is good.

    3. What do you think about Hearth Rod limit ?Should be 2,3 ppl to use it and i already said everything in the 1st question

    4. What do you think about Hearth Rod DMG ?The damage doesn't need to be nerfed only the mag does,lower it to like 40 or 45 that's a good magazine size.

    5. What do you think about Death Eater ?To be honest it's not living up to his potential as a lvl 200 gun so that's why it needs buffs in damage.

    6. What do you think about current Death Eater DMG ?Bad,very bad needs a buff.

    7. What do you think about current levels about the weapons ?Everything is good but make the cerb pick up at lvl 75 or 80,death eater pick up at 170 or 165lvl or 175lvl.

    8. What do you think about Hecate Umbrella ? ( The new sniper )It's good but the reload and the time it takes to shoot is very slow so maybe give it a little bit of a plus one of faster reloading and faster time to shoot.

    9. What do you think about Extra-item limits?So far so good but the only thing it needs is a mele the chainsaw is not that good anymore so another one is a must.

    10. What do you think about Knifes ?The storm giant needs to get removed and a new one needs to get added.

    11. What we can improve about LEVELS, DMG, LIMITS ?Nothing much rly it's good where it is maybe add more lvl's but make them a lil bit easier to get to bc it's already hard to get lvl's from 140 and up but the DMG and LIMITS are good.


    1. What do you think about current zombies ?Good so far but i think the coffin and the tesla zombie need nerfs.Coffin zombie:That coffin is OP when someone places it it's hard to escape the seconds are too long maybe nerf that.

    2. What can we improve on zombies ?Said in the 1st one.

    3. What do you think about TESLA ?The damage needs a big nerf it's too OP like when i'm playing tesla zombie sometimes i hit for 600 damage or when with knife blink i get all of the profesors armor.

    4. What do you think about Extra-item limits?They are good but the Jump bombs need to be nerfed make the limit less by one .

    That's all from me

    Thank you for your time:)

  • 1. Zombie's statistics (Health, DMG, Gravity and etc): Balanced.

    2. Current Weapons (Levels, DMG, Limits): All weapons are great except Cerberus damage, I think it's too op and it should be lv 150.

    Mine questions are :


    1. What do you think about current Weapon's limits ? Limits are balanced.

    2. What do you think about 2nd gungnir effect (the line) ? DMG ? I think it's damage is not enough...

    3. What do you think about Hearth Rod limit ? It's great because humans have too much op weapons.

    4. What do you think about Hearth Rod DMG ? :Need a buff

    5. What do you think about Death Eater ?: it's not that strong to be lv 200, lv170 in enough

    6. What do you think about current Death Eater DMG ? Good for lv 170

    7. What do you think about current levels about the weapons ? Most of our players have high levels so limit would be awesome.

    8. What do you think about Hecate Umbrella ? ( The new sniper ) Need a buff

    9. What do you think about Extra-item limits? Great

    10. What do you think about Knifes ? We need some new knifes...

    11. What we can improve about LEVELS, DMG, LIMITS ? Levels from lv165--> lv 200 are expert levels so just need some new quests.


    1. What do you think about current zombies ? We need Smith new

    2. What can we improve on zombies ? Fast zombie is designed to be faster than humans, so increase it's damage would be great

    3. What do you think about TESLA ? Attack power is great, but gravity is aweful...

    4. What do you think about Extra-item limits? For someone have a skill boosting with grenades it's quite hard to boost with 2.

    3 is best limit

  • 1. Last time Zombies got BUFFED and it made a real impact on the gameplay ( Zombies win more times then ever before + on Survivor Rounds even without any Extra Items Survivor can die easily in few hits ) .

    Increasing the Health Healing during no movement ( already know it was buffed to 400 HP or less when your not moving , but when its just few Zombies its difficult to even notice it since your trying to hide from Humans and not the other way around how its suppose to be + maybe can boost the Healing Ability for first Zombie to be much higher/faster compared to non-first Zombies ) would be better especially if there is just a few Zombies against a bunch of Humans with OP guns :thinking_face:.

    DMG is already enough since Armor Limit was decreased so it would be very in-balanced towards the Humans who are trying to escape while 5+ Zombies with Knife Blink are behind you ( from behind it takes more Armor/Health so more Knife Blinks = the bug will occur more often ).

    Gravity should stay the same since Light Zombie has the highest Gravity and other Zombie Classed were buffed with Gravity as well + higher limit for Jump Bombs was back so its not needed to make it even powerful for them to jump so high ( Zombies aren't astronauts LOL :grinning_squinting_face: ).

    Nothing more can be said for Zombie side since they can either win/lose on any map + it depends on the teamwork/players who are Zombies. Smaller maps = very high chance for Zombie side to win .

    Bigger / more spaced maps where Zombies cant reach unless spamming Jump Bombs to throw the Humans or use Jump Bombs to get up and die in few shots = Humans will most likely win.

    2. Current weapons are very powerful , having LIMIT on them is needed so its more "balanced" since cant buy 10+ of same guns ( Gungir / Cerb / Duals etc. ).

    Increasing DMG / Level for guns = if its possible to LIMIT that specific gun so it cant be spammed or just played with just one gun constantly ( Plasma Gun situation from the past , ahem :unamused_face: ).


    1. What do you think about current Weapon's limits ?

    Current LIMITS are fine, if more powerful guns would be added need to have a limit so it doesn't lag / crash / hit precache limit.

    2. What do you think about 2nd gungnir effect (the line) ? DMG ?

    Needs a NERF in DMG or how much it takes to use the effect ( using 10-20 of ammo from one line would make the gun less OP and would need to reload more often . )

    3. What do you think about Hearth Rod limit ?

    Gun needed a limit since its very powerful against crowds of Zombies + big ammo count makes the gun a perfect farming Quests Farming Simulator :-/ .

    4. What do you think about Hearth Rod DMG ?

     Needs a NERF since it can kill Zombies in few shots + much larger ammo capacity compared to Gungir ( gun is no-where close to CSO, there its one of the useless guns that can barely kill anything. )

    5. What do you think about Death Eater ?

    Decent gun but its not working how its suppose to with its own "ability/ammo" that deals a lot of DMG ( simillar how Gungir deals DMG to multiple Zombies at the same time. )

    6. What do you think about current Death Eater DMG ?

    It can kill very fast with right click ability , but getting attacked by lots of Zombies you will die easily even if the gun deals even more DMG.

    7. What do you think about current levels about the weapons ?

    Nothing to change for Levels since its already difficult to level up after level 100-140.

    8. What do you think about Hecate Umbrella ? ( The new sniper )

    The old sniper rifle that was replaced / removed was much better and looked cooler as well , the ability dealt lots of DMG of the ghost and biggest + is it had a limit on the bad boi.

    9. What do you think about Extra-item limits?

    Neutral , it was already nerfed / buffed so its pointless to make changes for it over and over + players will always complain if its too OP/ too weak...

    10. What do you think about Knifes ?

    New knives would be great but would have to remove lots of guns due to their huge resource heaviness + most players would only use Knives with highest Gravity so it would be pointless to add 2-3 Knives that got "lower Gravity" compared to Katana , ofc players would still use the Katana and forget others Knives exist.

    11. What we can improve about LEVELS, DMG, LIMITS ?

    Lower amount of XP required to hit levels or making new Quests that can transfer even when map is changed ( if that is even possible which I presume it isn't. )

    More XP given thru /get , /quests / math questions = more XP / Money so players can get easier XP and level up since now most guns are very high level and XP is hard to gain if you cant even kill/infect few players to get XP/Quests.

    Buffing a certain gun each month would make players start buying different guns that exist on BuyMenu ( example: one month MK4 / Crossbow or any other gun thast is barely used but its "high" enough level for players to use , would gain a BUFF in DMG / Faster speed in reloading / More ammo in the magazine / Less recoil etc. and players would start playing with then gun and not just use Gungir / Cerberus 24/7 since they are the "best guns" on the Server. )


    1. What do you think about current zombies ?

    Zombies are fun to use when Humans are cornered and run out of Armor to buy ( if it was like CSO more like regarding buying ammo then you would have to watch out if you got enough money to buy ammo to survive as well. )

    2. What can we improve on zombies ?

    Nothing really but adding more Zombie Classes ( sadly Nezajem isn't here so cant add Classes ) would be a fresh air for new/old players who wanna play as Zombies.

    3. What do you think about TESLA ?

    Most OP Class since it deal a lot of DMG against Survivor Rounds and Plague Mode. A slight nerf in the DMG would be nicer but since its a VIP Zombie Class it would be useless to make it "weaker" like other Zombie Classes , aka players wouldn't use the Class all together.

    4. What do you think about Extra-item limits?

    Neutral , wouldn't change since they were already changed and nobody is ever happy with the results..


    Edited 2 times, last by Kabo!om (August 2, 2023 at 3:52 PM).

  • Weapons:

    1. What do you think about current Weapon's limits ?

    ~Heart Rod limit should be 2

    2. What do you think about 2nd gungnir effect (the line) ? DMG ?

    ~It was already nerfed from 189 to 140-160(present) It should not be nerfed any further looking at the limitations it has (1 player at a time and 100 level to pickup it should have a high damage because of those limitations as its easily one the most high caliber weapon in CSNZ)

    3. What do you think about Hearth Rod limit ?

    ~It should have a limit of 2 , but if possible adding a limit for purchasing it should be 2 each map for both players using it meaning they cant buy it again after losing it for the 3rd time

    4. What do you think about Hearth Rod DMG ?

    ~Balanced damage after the 2 limits and changes above or similar , + it was already nerfed before from dealing 640 dmg down to 454(present)

    5. What do you think about Death Eater ?

    ~Very underwhelming and weak for that 200 lvl with a limit of 1 and a pickup level of 180 , taking those limits and restrictions into consideration it should far exceed the performance of Gungnir as its a very high caliber weapon in CSNZ

    6. What do you think about current Death Eater DMG ?

    ~Weak ,needs a buff big time , looking at the limitations and the restrictions it has, it should have a much higher damage

    7. What do you think about current levels about the weapons ?

    ~Balanced overall

    8. What do you think about Hecate Umbrella ? ( The new sniper )

    ~Very disappointing for a 150 level weapon with a reputation of the most powerful sniper in CSNZ .Its dealing way lower damage than Savery on average , its ability is very weak , after the damage buff it would be better to put a limit of 2 on it

    9. What do you think about Extra-item limits?

    ~Perfectly balanced , opinions of the players from the previous thread like this about the changes in the server regarding extra items and zombie upgrades were taken into consideration and applied ,it turned out to be very well as a result so no changes needed in extra items limit

    10. What do you think about Knifes ?


    11. What we can improve about LEVELS, DMG, LIMITS ?

    ~Buffing the damage of Hecate and Death Eater is needed , level system is fine , answer about the limits is mentioned in Question 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 and 9


    1. What do you think about current zombies ?

    ~Balanced(except tesla)

    2. What can we improve on zombies ?

    ~Balanced(except tesla)

    3. What do you think about TESLA ?

    ~Tesla zombie nullifies nearly half of the damage it receives from every weapon in comparison to normal zombies.

    The nullification of the damage it receives needs to be no more than 25% instead of almost nullifying almost 50% of the damage from the weapon

    4. What do you think about Extra-item limits?

    ~Very well balanced (mentioned in question 9)

    Thank you all for your time ! This vote is important for us !

  • Weapons.

    1. What do you think about current Weapon's limits ?: Heart rod limit should be 2

    2. What do you think about 2nd gungnir effect (the line) ? DMG ?: Balanced

    3. What do you think about Hearth Rod limit ?: (look at question 1)

    4. What do you think about Hearth Rod DMG ?:Balanced damage

    5. What do you think about Death Eater ?: Weak, should be a lvl 170 or 165 weapon

    6. What do you think about current Death Eater DMG ?: Weak, needs a buff

    7. What do you think about current levels about the weapons ?: Balanced

    8. What do you think about Hecate Umbrella ?: Very weak and needs a buff since savery can do more damage than it, and it's one of the most powerful snipers in CSNZ

    9. What do you think about Extra-item limits?: Balanced

    10. What do you think about Knifes ?: Need some new knifes

    11. What we can improve about LEVELS, DMG, LIMITS ?: Buff damage for Hecate and death eater, increase limit for heart rod, levels are fine.


    1. What do you think about current zombies ?: Balanced

    2. What can we improve on zombies ?: Balanced

    3. What do you think about TESLA ?: Should be nerfed

    4. What do you think about Extra-item limits?: Balanced

  • 1. What do you think about current Weapon's limits ? Its pretty not fair to be honest you work or {pay} for weapons to play it but all the time its limit cuz others are fast... We need atleast a 2 limit or even 3 if the server survive ofcs

    2. What do you think about 2nd gungnir effect (the line) ? DMG ? Not that bad but maybe increase a little

    3. What do you think about Hearth Rod limit ? Nope its not ok atleast put a 2 limit and we talk

    4. What do you think about Hearth Rod DMG ? Ok i dont think the weapon need buff or anything its perfect

    5. What do you think about Death Eater ? Nice gun but need atleast 50 ammo 25 its not that much its pretty low and not so good for lvl 200/

    6. What do you think about current Death Eater DMG ? Right click its ok maybe 20 damage add MAYBe but right click its garbage.. for real

    7. What do you think about current levels about the weapons ? Ok

    8. What do you think about Hecate Umbrella ? ( The new sniper ) Its a sniper good damage all not wow after all you need to reload after 1 ammo so

    9. What do you think about Extra-item limits? Armor its pretty low a zombie can easy broke a 200 armor shield instant so .. in rest all good

    10. What do you think about Knifes ? I hate that the Vip knife dont have the same gravity as katana i play katana all the time for gravity i dont see many players play with the hammer for vip beacuse its not that op maybe the damage but its not ok . I think the hammer need to be a combination of all gravity speed and damage it will be great and see more players play .

    11. What we can improve about LEVELS, DMG, LIMITS ? Levels are ok its not hard to make them Dmg idk Limits we need more then 1 weapon or 5 armor


    1. What do you think about current zombies ? The girl its to to op to much gravity like with 5 zombie madness invisibilty and hp and 10 jump box limit its 0 to fight back

    2. What can we improve on zombies ? Nothing best to nerf them just a bit to be fair after all you can have all the weapons in the world if you dont run you il die

    3. What do you think about TESLA ? Weak like the power its pretty lame like the fat one with trap maybe you got him maybe not :grinning_squinting_face:

    4. What do you think about Extra-item limits? Not good To much zombie madness and hp bought ,invisibility and Jump box TO MUCH its pretty insane that a zombie with no effort can go anywhere and spam if he need to go there i think they need a new limit

    Others Thinks : Zombie are just to op for a lvl 200 .. But if a player its lvl 15 and try hes best its not worth you are gonna lose .Its to overpower with knife blink and zombie madness nothing cant stop a zombie from eat you rlly .i think they need a nerf .

  • 1.After last update zombie is balanced +

    - Its depends at who playing as zm(2 -3 skills zm can kill humans without any problems)

    - Small map - most time zm win

    Big map - human win

    2. All "op" weapons should be limited to 1. For example: Heart Rod or Plasma situation
    3 or 4 hearth rods do not allow zombies to do anything in the round.Zm just die after respawn(3-5sec).Same was with plasma before

    Mine questions are :


    1. All "op" weapons should be limited to 1

    2. What do you think about 2nd gungnir effect (the line) ? DMG ?
    - NERF( the line and knockback(missile))
    2rd effect gung is strongest ability on server. you can make 300k dmg in one round(ez), ahhh and if u last human with gung.... ez 500k + sometimes knockback from missile is HUUUGE

    3. What do you think about Hearth Rod limit ?
    - Limit 1 is perfect or Global Limit 2, + Personal Limit 2 per map

    4. What do you think about Hearth Rod DMG ?
    - I think Hearth Rod damage needs to be slightly reduced because it's little unplayable for zombie( 300-400 per hit with 100 ammo... ). On the other hand, if the limit for humans 1, then nothing needs to be changed.
    Btw, Toxin suggestion about Heath Rod is interesting,but if limit 2 = nerf 100%( 2 rod per maps with global limit 2 is cool)

    5. What do you think about Death Eater ?
    - After playing in normal game(not test) Im think need buff, cuz in current situation Hearth Rod or Gung is better

    6. What do you think about current Death Eater DMG ?
    - Buff

    7. What do you think about current levels about the weapons ?
    - Ok

    8. What do you think about Hecate Umbrella ? ( The new sniper )
    Hecate is cool weapon,but this version is buggy
    - Cant add limit( no sma:c)

    - Sprite(ability after reloading ) looks weird + bug
    - human Model(after kill zm) looks weird(just white model with low poly)

    9. What do you think about Extra-item limits?
    - balanced

    10. What do you think about Knifes ?
    Sorry,but warhammer is useless(Katana is better than all knives on sv)

    11. What we can improve about LEVELS, DMG, LIMITS ?
    /quest for zombie is useless.. 5 inf = 30k$ / 15 inf - 90k$ is so low
    Playing as zombie u need spend to much money(invis,blink etc)
    Only as human u can farm exp and money...Its sad


    1. What do you think about current zombies ?
    - Balanced

    2. What can we improve on zombies ?
    - Its already balanced

    3. What do you think about TESLA ?

    4. What do you think about Extra-item limits?
    - Perfectly balanced

  • 2WEi. August 3, 2023 at 10:12 AM

    Closed the thread.
  • 2WEi. August 3, 2023 at 10:12 AM

    Removed the label Important
  • 2WEi. August 3, 2023 at 10:12 AM

    Added the label Solved

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