- Official Post
- Before posting a topic related to sports, please ensure that you have read and understood the rules set forth by the community to avoid being warned or penalized by the STAFF
- Rules:
- Prior to posting a topic in this section, ensure that it has not been posted before. Otherwise, your topic will be hidden.
- You are only allowed to post one sports topic every 24 hours.
- The sports topic should not contain inappropriate images or scenes (sex, pornography, violence, 18+, etc.).
- If you post more than two sports topics in 24 hours, you will receive a verbal warning followed by warning points in accordance with community rules.
- The sports topic must be closed by a moderator every 24 hours.
- Use the "Search" button before posting to see if someone else has already posted the topic.
- Do not respond to sports topics with generic comments like "great topic, good job, keep it up, beautiful topic, etc."
- Posting about piracy or warez is prohibited.
- The title of your sports topic must be "Quality" to attract an audience..
- Moderators/Journalists should only hide the sports topic if it is incorrect (talk with the member after hiding it so that they understand next time when posting in this section).
- Your sports topic must contain at least one or two photos/images; otherwise, it will be hidden by Moderators/Journalists.
- It is mandatory to include a link to the news you found on Google; otherwise, it will be hidden.
- If you fail to comply with these rules, you will receive warning points on the forum. Please read the rules carefully before posting to avoid receiving a warning