I see this more and more moderators or admins etc stay on spec .I understand that you dont want to play but to be a limit just one spectator at the time so we can play the weapons with players limit like Death Eater .. I see this all the time ,if you say smh its to bad ... like lmao ?
With will be great to be a limit one admin at spec ,so the rest can play a weapon with limit .
I understand that you want to see whos bhopping or others but beacuse of you i cant buy a weapon with limit .
Thanks for read i wait for others to see what they have to say .
Btw the exemple its death eater or smh its that bad that you cant buy a heart rod or other... Thats why i make this .
PS: I hope you dont say somethings like a nonsense :I dont want to play i just want to watch yall ... like wtf