As you can see a human cant 1vs1 with a zombie ... Its pretty much hard to stay alive with all that hp ,regeneration, madness etc ,So i ask God and others WHY IN THE WORLD OF JESUS we need guns . Right now if you play as a human its pretty impossible to ATLEAST 1vs maybe with miracle 5,
So i think we need to buff all the weapons or atleast some of them with 1.Ammo 2 . Damage 3.Knockback 4.Range maybe
We dont need a buff like EXEMPLE: Lets say Heart rod deal 300 damage we dont need 600 damage BUFF but atleast we need one like 100 or more
I think i speak for all with you know actual experince on server play etc WHO DONT PAY FOR LVL ! {me} that its hard for 80% of players to do something with such weak weapons .
Now hold on wait a min !! I dont say lets buff and dont give zombies a chance .But i clearly say atleast to be more balanced .
I make a test with all the weapons and try to escape OR 1vs1 a zombie {sorry i wanted to make a video or something but im not good at that}
This its the rank of weapons Medium - Its 50/50 to kill a zombie you try .Medium-Hard You need to put your brain to work. Hard - Just give up
1vs1 Medium : Heart Rod ,Gungir ,Death Eater,Ak-47 Beast,Dual Beretta Gunslinger.
Heart Rod : its not an bad weapon but all that nerfs and ammo decrease the weapon its not bad but its not good either its a meh
Gungir : Its ok the nerf rlly put the gun a little down but its gonna be okay
Death Eater: It was ok but it get nerf ?? I dont know why cuz the weapon was decent this days but i think DECENT its not okay and for a lvl 200 gun it need to be weak {YOU MAD} [Buff on ammo,and range of left click]
Ak-47 Beast : I like the damage and everthing i like that 2wei dont touch nothing and let the weapon to be balanced {the recoil its insane its like shoting while you are blind}
Dual Beretta: Its again ok but not enough its not bad at all and you can do lots of work ,Just a bit of buff on damage .
Medium-Hard : M41A Dark Knight ,Mecharus Mk-4, Stun rifle ,Janus-7,Blood Dripper,Cerberus,Savery,Barlog-11,Python Desperado
M41A Dark Knight : Low damage .
Mecharus Mk-4 : Worst nerf .
Stun rifle : Lets just detele this weapon and chance with another one
Janus-7:A bit of increase damage the weapon its the best in this tire list of medium-hard lucky with cerberus .
Blood Dripper: Again low damage.
Cerberus : A good weapon cerberus its the first one that rlly balanced like gungir good .
Savery : Dont miss or you dead .An okay weapon for that lvl
Barlog-11: I see a player try this gun last year {the only one }
Python Desperado :Its pretty good actually [Until madness come to help]
Hard: Blaster FH-20,M3 Black Dragon.Janus-11,Plasma rifle ,Skull-3,Crossbow,Salamander,Milkor m32 MGL, Broad Divine,M249 Phoenix
Blaster FH-20 : Its to trash to be that lvl need down NOW
M3 Black Dragon :Cool power trash damage.
Janus-11 : More good then black need a buff
Plasma : Why this weapon its still here ?? After the nerf its trash and its space on server out
Skull-3 : Yeah good but just a little more damage .
Crossbow: Not bad for 72 lvl but weak
Salamander : Again why its still on server ?
Milkor m32 Mgl : ITS SO BAD never again to much lvl lmao 115 rlly ? RLLY ? Damage reload time trash maybe 6-5 ammo and more damage and faster reload
Broad Divine : Eh ..
M249 Phoenix : Just dont down lvl
Thats like all i know after you read that you think i have a lots of free time cuz this take me a while and the test take me a while sooo.[ The test took me 3 hours]
I really want you to understand And ATLEAST support me dont be like we dont need that we bla bla bla .YOU KNOW ITS THE TRUTH AND ONLY
Thank you for all the time you spend to read this and have a great day like you