- Nickname: T0'x!N
- Real Name: Muhammad Ammar Khan
- Age:19
- Country: Pakistan
- How much time you can spend in the server ( per day - average ) :45 minutes - 1 -2 hour
- Link of hours you played on server on Please login to see this link. link (minimum 90h): Please login to see this link.
- Can you speak English?: Yes
- Have u been an Admin before?: Yes
- Do u have Discord? if yes, are u join our Discord server?: Joined
- Reason that you want to be Helper: Admins are not typically active and online during late hours , my availability atm has allowed me to spare some time to fill in this gap and keep the balance to avoid any disruptive activities , my work and life is established in a way that it constrains to contribute to this server the way i want to, for the time being i can contribute to help create an environment promising to the players with no disruptive activities , i will try to continue as long i can until the moment and life calls
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