Suggestion: Add LaserMines
Reason: I think most of the maps are boring in a since that you only have few good maps that you camp on top of the map in a bs spot I think adding lms will balance the maps because that will make tunnels usable make it soo people cant block with them but make it soo they deal like 500-1k dmg per 2-3 secounds soo some maps will allow people to choose different spots to camp + you an always use invis or use madness to take 0 dmg from lasermines, but if you do that you need to nerf how much madness can be used per person like 2-3 madness per person would be good I think that makes it soo if all zombies stack up will prob get in the tunnel easy but it still would add diffrent spots to camp I think making lm like 10-15k per lasermine
Regular human : 2 lm (active)
VIP/Admins : 3 lms (active)
I think this will help the server play more maps then do the same 3-5 maps people play and rtv other maps because they are soo bad no places to camp and jumpbomb abuse

Suggestion for CSO
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There are 11 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 560 times. The latest Post (
OFC I think jumpbomb are really good but 10 per live is insane
this isn't a laser server sandboxes have been suggested in the past they have been declined and i don't think the lasers will fit with server not with the play style,guns,etc so it's a -1
_Cigan_ what gameplay now camp in a good spot but 90% of maps dosent have them soo people call them trash and just if admins is on i nsta change or rtv after 5 min soo I dont know what are you talking about
+ a lot of good maps that people call *good* are just 2 good campspots and that is it
(soo IDK what gameplay u are talking about ofc it will make it harder for zombies but atlest it will help new plays to have fun as human for a bit because legit the only way they will get lvls by infecting people and that might pull new players away sometimes I have seen people already call this server pay2win because vips get good wepons in menu )
fair point but i don't think carbon will consider it if he does the goodjob if not unlucky
_Cigan_ we can only hope , because state the servers in they need to remove a lot of maps then to balance the things out because what the point of having the maps that people will insta rtv because they are bad
-1 this server cso not zombie plague
NoVa then fix the server make it balanced 90% maps unplayable
make invs limited or something like for 3 per life IDK because the server is unbalanced and the maps are garbo everyone just rtv and then make normal cso maps soo people have fun most of the times it just in 5 min rtv
Back in the day cso servers had lm and nobody had problem with them now your saying it is a problem
- Official Post
theres no lasermine in cso. you can search yourself in cso wiki
lasermine, jetpack or something like that wont be added
April 26, 2024 at 2:03 PM Closed the thread.
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