This is a very powerful weapon, and I think it is more powerful than gungnir, and if this weapon is added, make it level 150 or 160 in order for players to get excited about reaching LVL 160 or 150.
name weapon : UT3 GUN PLUGIN : Please login to see this link.
and this weapon is very good too , name : Ranged Weapon : Please login to see this link.
And this is a very powerful electric weapon as well, name weapon : SF Tornado : Please login to see this link.
The truth is I don't know what this weapon is but it's really good , name weapon :magnum dri11 : Please login to see this link.
i dont know what this weapon so i like him , name weapon : [M4A1 FrozenLava] : Please login to see this link.
m4a1 dragon :Please login to see this link.
i know this stuff is a lot buy you will really like it and thanks you .
1 photo : UT3GUN PLUGIN
2 photo : magnum dfi11
3 photo : SF Tornado
4 photo : m4a1 Dragon
5 photo : ranged weapon
6 photo : m4a1 frozenlava