- Official Post
- Your name: Voltister
- Name of admin(staff): haxor
- Date and time: 14/07/2023
- Reason of complaint: false acusations for bhopping
- Proof (screenshot or demo): https://imgur.com/a/ABrDDwe
First of all, since when a player is considered bhopping when he just match multiple jumps on some platforms?
Second, since when an admin is firstly "punishing" the culprit, then warns the player for his behavior?
Third, since when an admin is using commands on other admins, instead of reporting them?
I'm waiting for the response of the other admins, and of course, i am waiting for haxor's demo.
And I want to clarify something for our fellow admins that mistakes a bhop for simple multiple jumps: when a player is bhopping, he is NOT moving in a straight line, because that player needs to gain momentum by turning left-right and using the keys "A" and "D".