Some Suggestions

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There are 6 replies in this Thread which has previously been viewed 392 times. The latest Post (May 11, 2024 at 8:50 AM) was by Carbon.

  • 1- Jump Nade: We all know its really annoying getting spammed by jump nade so I was thinking if we put 5-10secs delay between each jump nade purchase to avoid spams.

    2- Low level players should get extra DMG boost to a certain lvls, cuz its really hard for them to get kills and thats why they always beg.

    3- We Should add this Gun ELECTRO-V for high level, its super fun and not that OP, its tuns enemy and shoots charge (Diff than Stun)

    CS 1.6 | CSO ] Extra item: Electron-III | Zombie-Plague 4.3 | v1.0 BETA -  YouTube

    1. Next Gun is Gigantic Drill, Kinda like magnum Drill but little advanced
    Модель Famas — «Gigantic Drill» Скачать для CS 1.6
    1. Last One is Colt M4a1 or M203, m4a1 but ability to zoom in and shoot grenade
    M4a1 M203 With Laser [Counter-Strike [Mods], 42% OFF
  • Absolutely no for the delay on jump bombs, if that was to happen zombies would have 0 chance to infect, humans would get to places they easily can through their 2x 3x jumps knowing that the zombies can't reach them, with that logic imagine how bizarre it would be to apply the same restriction for humans by putting a delay on freeze bombs, about the low level players getting extra dmg on certain levels , that would kill the entire drive and effort to level up , there are plenty of players helping low level players regularly by giving them weapons far beyond their current levels, on top of that supply boxes now have weapons ranging from level 50-180 level and the 180 level one being charger 5 which has a very high damage and electro v looks good but it would be a very unbalanced weapon and soon get removed because of it , and am not really sure if it could even work after seeing the effects its putting out , but drill gun looks fun hope it gets added one day and m4 is not a cso weapon + its a really basic weapon and we do have those kinds of weapons at low levels already

  • Absolutely no for the delay on jump bombs, if that was to happen zombies would have 0 chance to infect, humans would get to places they easily can through their 2x 3x jumps knowing that the zombies can't reach them, with that logic imagine how bizarre it would be to apply the same restriction for humans by putting a delay on freeze bombs, about the low level players getting extra dmg on certain levels , that would kill the entire drive and effort to level up , there are plenty of players helping low level players regularly by giving them weapons far beyond their current levels, on top of that supply boxes now have weapons ranging from level 50-180 level and the 180 level one being charger 5 which has a very high damage and electro v looks good but it would be a very unbalanced weapon and soon get removed because of it , and am not really sure if it could even work after seeing the effects its putting out , but drill gun looks fun hope it gets added one day and m4 is not a cso weapon + its a really basic weapon and we do have those kinds of weapons at low levels already

    i stand with what toxin said well said:)

  • cd for jump bomb 1-3 sec will be good idea, small nerf for ppl who like spamming with jump bomb + its not ruin gameplay for zm,cuz u can pick sting zm + gravity + 1 bomb
    Same for human nades, but i think 5-10sec will be perfect,cuz sometimes human start spam napalm and freez

  • Carbon May 11, 2024 at 8:50 AM

    Closed the thread.

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