Report Admin L u C i f e R_YT on Multiple Offenses

    • Your name: Ankri
    • Name of admin(staff): L u C i f e R_YT
    • Date and time: 1/7/2023
    • Reason of complaint: Misinformation, disrespecting a moderator and being arrogant in the server, and swearing.
    • Proof (screenshot or demo):

    1st offense: Misinformation: Lucifer Misleads and lies to people by stating that his admin was removed (He claims that he does it for fun, but people are constantly asking about it). I told him multiple times to stop this but he continued to do it.


    [LVL: 152] L u C i f e R_YT : lesh l2akon admin "

    [LVL: 152] L u C i f e R_YT : ?

    He is writing in amx_say I think and it removes his admin tag, and he tells people that his admin was provoked from him. The above statement from lucifer translates to: Why would I be admin? with his admin tag removed just to troll people for no apparent reason. He also did this multiple times even though I told him to stop doing that. (Check the chat logs a week ago and cross reference to my point, they match up).

    2nd offense: Being arrogant in the server and swearing. Multiple people complained about him because he was provoking players and taunting them. Writing "hh", "abl3" and generally being childish. A player called him out on his actions and this is what he said:

    [ADMIN][LVL: 153] L u C i f e R_YT : toooz

    [ADMIN][LVL: 153] L u C i f e R_YT : ,D

    I googled the word and this is literally what it means: Tozz Feek. Literally meaning “screw you”, this is a strong Arabic swear word that gets straight to the point. While it may not be as commonly used as some other swear words because of how vulgar it sounds, this is still one of those Arabic words that are extremely graphic and used only by those most hot-headed.

    Artic warned you about provoking players and it seems like you did not listen.

    3rd offense: Disrespecting a Moderator. He was talking to his Arabic friends in the server (one of the guys who made false reports on me) and basically agreed with him that I should not be a Moderator.


    [SLOT][LVL: 121] PS | ﺮﻴﺑﺎﺑﺪﻟﺍ : lesh 7ateno

    [ADMIN][LVL: 153] L u C i f e R_YT : Dababer

    MOD killed his teammate PEFTA

    [LVL: 29] abojamal : croff

    [SLOT][LVL: 121] PS | ﺮﻴﺑﺎﺑﺪﻟﺍ : n3m

    [LVL: 29] abojamal : hat hadaal sla7

    [LVL: 53] RonyTheBest : ha ha

    [ADMIN][LVL: 153] L u C i f e R_YT : lesh 7ateno ?yxd

    [ADMIN][LVL: 153] L u C i f e R_YT : echtraha

    [SLOT][LVL: 121] PS | ﺮﻴﺑﺎﺑﺪﻟﺍ : ah

    [SLOT][LVL: 121] PS | ﺮﻴﺑﺎﺑﺪﻟﺍ : 5rb alsv

    (ADMIN CHAT) L u C i f e R_YT : lol

    (ADMIN CHAT) L u C i f e R_YT : srsly

    The statement from this player (PS) above states that "Why is this guy appointed as moderator", Instead of Lucifer defending me or at the very least staying neutral, he agrees with him and asks again "Why is this guy appointed with xd" Basically laughing at me and saying he's a paid moderator. After that PS states that I destroyed the server (He was mad that I gagged his friends). and Lucifer in the Admin chat laughs at me. (If you do not believe that these admin messages are directed to me, Only me, Lucifer and Mazen were in the server at that time and Mazen was afk). So instead of siding with the staff team and backing them up, you side with your friend who was clearly in the wrong.

    Side Note: Please check the discord screenshots of what he told me in private. I know you can't count this as evidence but it really shows how arrogant and manipulative this guy is. He agrees with me and then when he gets in trouble, he backstabs.

    Artic and Kabo gave you many chances to change, but it seems like you do not learn from your mistakes.

    For the BHOP and freeze bomb throwing for no reason you will get a 30 minute ban. + next time you make more mistakes or get reported you will be demoted to the Helper Rank. (Kabo's Warning)

    so lucifer stop provoke players on server and stop gag people for a stupid damn reason, this will be ur warn next u will be demoted to helper and i will put yo name in blacklist! (Artic's Warning literally 2 days ago)

    Sorry for the long report guys but this needed to be addressed.

  • Well I “assume” you have a higher rank than him, so if you see him doing such illegal things and you are sure about it you can simply ban him temporarily and then report.

    I just approve the translations from Arabic to English that you provided in the topic.

    First, I don’t really know if this is considered as abusing ADMIN powers since it doesn’t harm anybody.

    Second, it’s an insult which is improper to say as a staff team member.

    Third, it’s a disrespect towards you which also improper for an ADMIN to do.

  • 1st Offense : I saw the chat logs when he was pretending to be removed from the team (typing without the admin tag) , you warned him a couple of times to stop doing that , but he didnt do so. , this is just him trying to seek some attention and have some pleasure out of it.

    2nd Offense: I completely agree on that , he constantly target's people ( i know its allowed dont quote me on that) just to annoy them by saying "haha" or something else as seen from the examples Ankri has given , he is utterly childish and doesnt even try to better himself at all . He got mad at one of Ankri's comment's on the staff chat , and said "if i got Removed, do u think i will stop targeting you ? lmao" , rather than actually making out something off of what Ankri said , he only thinks for gameplay.

    3rd Offense: They did the same thing to me too , constantly making false reports, mocking me in-game, accusing me of not knowing amxx commands , not knowing what is bhop , and talking behind my back in private messages , their addition from Zombus to main server was a complete mistake , they dont know how to WATCH a Demo , don't go in Spec mode to watch the gameflow and punish potential rule breakers, they dont warn the player's before issuing the punishments , they also issue wrong bans , dont even bother to do anything thats useful , they're simply hungry for power and to "flex" on the Player's with their in-game tag , just like lucifer said "Do you think that Admin is a matter of life or death? Just a game, go, don't wait" they only care about in-game fame and dont do their job accordingly.

    In conclusion Lucifer was given too many chances and attempts to better himself , but he completely ignored those calls and continued on being how he is Toxic,Childish,Arrogant,Ignorant and Two-faced. In my opinion he should be removed from the Staff Team to give him a lesson that you can't do anything u want , just because you're a Staff.

  • 1st offense : its /prefix not amx_say (learn how to use the Commands)
    why did Carbon added /prefix ? And you think /prefix is a violation?? You think everything is wrong
    im trolling peoples for no reason? If someone breaks the rules, I will simply punish them. No need for a tag
    2nd offense : It is stupid of you to say this for the second time. You mistranslate the Arabic ."toz" We mean "pff". I usually say it with iyaad dz.
    And greater stupidity to say that hh and abl3 are insults, Cuz "abl3" means eat this "hh" means "haha" ALSO I SAID THIS WORDS BEFORE ATRIC'S WARN ....
    3d offense : Did i lie when i said you bought a Moderator? And you call helping a player to report a backstab ? like when you told "PS" to Report Somke for the unfair gag ,You see the appeal only when others, Instead of standing by Somke that Somke was right

    Note: I was glad to work with the Staff team Before those two limitations Comes, best Regards :red_heart:

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  • 1st Offense : I saw the chat logs when he was pretending to be removed from the team (typing without the admin tag) , you warned him a couple of times to stop doing that , but he didnt do so. , this is just him trying to seek some attention and have some pleasure out of it.

    2nd Offense: I completely agree on that , he constantly target's people ( i know its allowed dont quote me on that) just to annoy them by saying "haha" or something else as seen from the examples Ankri has given , he is utterly childish and doesnt even try to better himself at all . He got mad at one of Ankri's comment's on the staff chat , and said "if i got Removed, do u think i will stop targeting you ? lmao" , rather than actually making out something off of what Ankri said , he only thinks for gameplay.

    3rd Offense: They did the same thing to me too , constantly making false reports, mocking me in-game, accusing me of not knowing amxx commands , not knowing what is bhop , and talking behind my back in private messages , their addition from Zombus to main server was a complete mistake , they dont know how to WATCH a Demo , don't go in Spec mode to watch the gameflow and punish potential rule breakers, they dont warn the player's before issuing the punishments , they also issue wrong bans , dont even bother to do anything thats useful , they're simply hungry for power and to "flex" on the Player's with their in-game tag , just like lucifer said "Do you think that Admin is a matter of life or death? Just a game, go, don't wait" they only care about in-game fame and dont do their job accordingly.

    In conclusion Lucifer was given too many chances and attempts to better himself , but he completely ignored those calls and continued on being how he is Toxic,Childish,Arrogant,Ignorant and Two-faced. In my opinion he should be removed from the Staff Team to give him a lesson that you can't do anything u want , just because you're a Staff.

    1st Offense : as i said in the first reply

    2nd Offense : Who said haha is annoying? Also, I'm not the only one who says it, including other admins Without mentioning names, by saying Ez and hh...
    And do not speak as a group on the Zombus admins, Wrong bans? Show evidence for this nonsense, And thanks for describing yourself when you talk about power and fame, And stop talking about watch mode, foolish of you to make rules out of your little head like this superstition he calls the rule (don't wait for money to buy a boss)

    It is a pity that neither of you think of the servant's interest

    And good luck with your cooperation on other Admins

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  • Well I “assume” you have a higher rank than him, so if you see him doing such illegal things and you are sure about it you can simply ban him temporarily and then report.

    I just approve the translations from Arabic to English that you provided in the topic.

    First, I don’t really know if this is considered as abusing ADMIN powers since it doesn’t harm anybody.

    Second, it’s an insult which is improper to say as a staff team member.

    Third, it’s a disrespect towards you which also improper for an ADMIN to do.

    Good job on translation -_-

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  • Notice how you did not address my points and starting talking about something completely different? I'm not going to argue with you further but Somke is not much better than you to be honest. He unfairly gagged PS for saying kzab which means Liar. Why would I defend Somke in that situation? He was in the wrong. So I told PS to make a report on him. Instead, do you know what Somke did? he proceeded to bribe PS with weapons and money so that PS would stay silent and not talk about the whole situation. Corruption at its finest.

  • Notice how you did not address my points and starting talking about something completely different? I'm not going to argue with you further but Somke is not much better than you to be honest. He unfairly gagged PS for saying kzab which means Liar. Why would I defend Somke in that situation? He was in the wrong. So I told PS to make a report on him. Instead, do you know what Somke did? he proceeded to bribe PS with weapons and money so that PS would stay silent and not talk about the whole situation. Corruption at its finest.

    Also nova when he told me that u gagged him for this word "fker" "poor" i just shows to him how to report
    you want me to deffend on you and u are wrong ?
    Now stop Replying here because every Reply for you is zero by talking about others in this report

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  • i just want to talk about the arabic language, everyone know there is a lot of arabics countries, so some words in arabic are really savage "toxic , insults" in some countrys, but in other countries its normal words to say "not insults" like Tozz Feek it mean "screw you" in some arabic countries, but in algeria for example when you tell someone Tozz Feek its mean "who care about you"

    about provoking players, ill give you an example with haxor, at the start the play "haxor" was chasing me the whole day and i dont even know him, also every time i died/infected by him, he type "hh" and i talked about it before, then every one told me that targeting is allowed ....(etc), so i decided with lucifer to target him as a revenge because he was targeting us always, then he start crying to me at the forum in the private by saying somethings like "if you are a man tell me wher you are, ill kill your parents .....(etc)" things like this, so after some days of targeting him, he told me sorry ....(etc) and now we become friends, im sure lucifer is not provoking players, as every one said in my thread "targeting is allowed" :

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  • i just want to talk about the arabic language, everyone know there is a lot of arabics countries, so some words in arabic are really savage "toxic , insults" in some countrys, but in other countries its normal words to say "not insults" like Tozz Feek it mean "screw you" in some arabic countries, but in algeria for example when you tell someone Tozz Feek its mean "who care about you"

    about provoking players, ill give you an example with haxor, at the start the play "haxor" was chasing me the whole day and i dont even know him, also every time i died/infected by him, he type "hh" and i talked about it before, then every one told me that targeting is allowed ....(etc), so i decide me and lucifer to target him as a revenge because he was targeting us always, then he start crying to me at the forum in the private by saying somethings like "if you are a man tell me wher you are, ill kill your parents .....(etc) things like this, so after some days of targeting him, he told me sorry ....(etc) and now we become friends, im sure lucifer is not provoking players, as every one said in my thread "targeting is allowed" :

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    Like Lord said I don't bother the players, I only bothered haxor because he started it and I just got my revenge and I'm going to kill him until he asks me for forgiveness
    also I took a warning on this from Artic, I do not blame him, but rather the blame of those who said that I disturb the players in the server

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    Edited once, last by L u C i f e R_YT (January 7, 2023 at 6:53 PM).

  • i will add something : Ankri :thinking_face: It is not ethical for you to threaten me with sending fake evidence to the staff team
    Next time when you see something bad in an admin or player don't threaten,just go and report him


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  • i just want to talk about the arabic language, everyone know there is a lot of arabics countries, so some words in arabic are really savage "toxic , insults" in some countrys, but in other countries its normal words to say "not insults" like Tozz Feek it mean "screw you" in some arabic countries, but in algeria for example when you tell someone Tozz Feek its mean "who care about you"

    about provoking players, ill give you an example with haxor, at the start the play "haxor" was chasing me the whole day and i dont even know him, also every time i died/infected by him, he type "hh" and i talked about it before, then every one told me that targeting is allowed ....(etc), so i decided with lucifer to target him as a revenge because he was targeting us always, then he start crying to me at the forum in the private by saying somethings like "if you are a man tell me wher you are, ill kill your parents .....(etc)" things like this, so after some days of targeting him, he told me sorry ....(etc) and now we become friends, im sure lucifer is not provoking players, as every one said in my thread "targeting is allowed" :

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    Nowhere in my original post did I ever mention Haxor. Other players were mad at him for being childish and not doing his job correctly. And when someone called him out on it, he didn't care and swore. That was my point. Tosa himself (the guy who made the list for the arabic censored words said that all my translations were correct, and that in fact, Lucifer was swearing, and trust me It does not matter where you're from. A swear is a swear.

  • i will add something : Ankri :thinking_face: It is not ethical for you to threaten me with sending fake evidence to the staff team
    Next time when you see something bad in an admin or player don't threaten,just go and report him

    I like how you did not include the full conversation just to make me look bad lmao. Good thing I screenshoted everything because I know you like to lie and manipulate everything for your own Benefit. This is my last reply and in my opinion, you don't just need to be removed from staff, but you also need to be banned for swearing and disrespecting me in front of everyone.

  • I like how you did not include the full conversation just to make me look bad lmao. Good thing I screenshoted everything because I know you like to lie and manipulate everything for your own Benefit. This is my last reply and in my opinion, you don't just need to be removed from staff, but you also need to be banned for swearing and disrespecting me in front of everyone.

    I'm talking about the threat, so I put a screenshot of the threat. You don't understand everything as you want

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  • Nowhere in my original post did I ever mention Haxor. Other players were mad at him for being childish and not doing his job correctly. And when someone called him out on it, he didn't care and swore. That was my point. Tosa himself (the guy who made the list for the arabic censored words said that all my translations were correct, and that in fact, Lucifer was swearing, and trust me It does not matter where you're from. A swear is a swear.

    i dont know about other players, and about the translate, as i said its diffrent between countries

  • I bear witness to every word Ankri said. Literally every word Ankri said is true

    I swear by God that he said to me one day: He is older than me in this server and he can Banned me because he is Admin and has a position higher than me,Isn't this arrogant?

    Edited 3 times, last by haxor. (January 8, 2023 at 5:34 AM).

  • The problem between me and Lucifer because of the Gang weapon, do you see how childish

    And he wants me to ask him to forgive me

    Oh man, you are the one who started this problem in the first place

    I will tell you the reason for it. One day, I was playing in my condition, and I had a gung, and he asked me to give it to him, so I said to him, ok, and when I gave him the weapon, he took it and gave it to someone else. I told him why I did this, and he told me dont cry like kids

    I don't think his behavior is appropriate on Admin ?

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