- Official Post
- Your name: Ankri
- Name of admin(staff): L u C i f e R_YT
- Date and time: 1/7/2023
- Reason of complaint: Misinformation, disrespecting a moderator and being arrogant in the server, and swearing.
- Proof (screenshot or demo):
1st offense: Misinformation: Lucifer Misleads and lies to people by stating that his admin was removed (He claims that he does it for fun, but people are constantly asking about it). I told him multiple times to stop this but he continued to do it.
[LVL: 152] L u C i f e R_YT : lesh l2akon admin "
[LVL: 152] L u C i f e R_YT : ?
He is writing in amx_say I think and it removes his admin tag, and he tells people that his admin was provoked from him. The above statement from lucifer translates to: Why would I be admin? with his admin tag removed just to troll people for no apparent reason. He also did this multiple times even though I told him to stop doing that. (Check the chat logs a week ago and cross reference to my point, they match up).
2nd offense: Being arrogant in the server and swearing. Multiple people complained about him because he was provoking players and taunting them. Writing "hh", "abl3" and generally being childish. A player called him out on his actions and this is what he said:
[ADMIN][LVL: 153] L u C i f e R_YT : toooz
[ADMIN][LVL: 153] L u C i f e R_YT : ,D
I googled the word and this is literally what it means: Tozz Feek. Literally meaning “screw you”, this is a strong Arabic swear word that gets straight to the point. While it may not be as commonly used as some other swear words because of how vulgar it sounds, this is still one of those Arabic words that are extremely graphic and used only by those most hot-headed.
Artic warned you about provoking players and it seems like you did not listen.
3rd offense: Disrespecting a Moderator. He was talking to his Arabic friends in the server (one of the guys who made false reports on me) and basically agreed with him that I should not be a Moderator.
[SLOT][LVL: 121] PS | ﺮﻴﺑﺎﺑﺪﻟﺍ : lesh 7ateno
[ADMIN][LVL: 153] L u C i f e R_YT : Dababer
MOD killed his teammate PEFTA
[LVL: 29] abojamal : croff
[SLOT][LVL: 121] PS | ﺮﻴﺑﺎﺑﺪﻟﺍ : n3m
[LVL: 29] abojamal : hat hadaal sla7
[LVL: 53] RonyTheBest : ha ha
[ADMIN][LVL: 153] L u C i f e R_YT : lesh 7ateno ?yxd
[ADMIN][LVL: 153] L u C i f e R_YT : echtraha
[SLOT][LVL: 121] PS | ﺮﻴﺑﺎﺑﺪﻟﺍ : ah
[SLOT][LVL: 121] PS | ﺮﻴﺑﺎﺑﺪﻟﺍ : 5rb alsv
(ADMIN CHAT) L u C i f e R_YT : lol
(ADMIN CHAT) L u C i f e R_YT : srsly
The statement from this player (PS) above states that "Why is this guy appointed as moderator", Instead of Lucifer defending me or at the very least staying neutral, he agrees with him and asks again "Why is this guy appointed with xd" Basically laughing at me and saying he's a paid moderator. After that PS states that I destroyed the server (He was mad that I gagged his friends). and Lucifer in the Admin chat laughs at me. (If you do not believe that these admin messages are directed to me, Only me, Lucifer and Mazen were in the server at that time and Mazen was afk). So instead of siding with the staff team and backing them up, you side with your friend who was clearly in the wrong.
Side Note: Please check the discord screenshots of what he told me in private. I know you can't count this as evidence but it really shows how arrogant and manipulative this guy is. He agrees with me and then when he gets in trouble, he backstabs.
Artic and Kabo gave you many chances to change, but it seems like you do not learn from your mistakes.
For the BHOP and freeze bomb throwing for no reason you will get a 30 minute ban. + next time you make more mistakes or get reported you will be demoted to the Helper Rank. (Kabo's Warning)
so lucifer stop provoke players on server and stop gag people for a stupid damn reason, this will be ur warn next u will be demoted to helper and i will put yo name in blacklist! (Artic's Warning literally 2 days ago)
Sorry for the long report guys but this needed to be addressed.